Belagio Glass Flower Ceiling

The lobby of the Belagio Hotel in Las Vegas has a HUGE glass flower sculpture on its ceiling. This installation includes over 2000 individually blown pieces by artist Dale Chihuly.

To take this shot I had to lay on my back and shoot straight up; I got lots of weird looks. 😉

The Belagio site has some more info. and the artist can be found here.

I’ve posted several other shots from that trip, the first with the new camera, on Flickr.

Arsen Shomakhov/Dangerous

Arsen Shomakhov/DangerousI receive submissions for airplay consideration a few times a week. I do listen to all of them but the vast majority don't tickle that part of my brain that flags tracks for play on Dreamland Blues.

The one is different. read more



Arsen Shomakhov / Dangerous

Arsen Shomakhov/DangerousI receive submissions for airplay consideration a few times a week. I do listen to all of them but the vast majority don’t tickle that part of my brain that flags tracks for play on Dreamland Blues.

The one is different.

read more

Dreamland Blues Radio website back up!

After a much too long silence I’ve managed to scrape together enough free minutes in a row to rebuild the Dreamland Blues Radio website.

Dreamland Blues Radio is my internet radio stream featuring Blues, Jazz and Swing music. It’s been running (mostly) non-stop since 1997 (Yes, I’m old). I’m going to shamelessly plug myself now by quoting from my broadcaster page on Live365:

A pioneer in the streaming MP3 community, Dreamland Blues Radio has been ‘casting Blues and Swing since 1997 (Yes folks, that’s BEFORE Live365). You’ll hear B.B., Johnny Lee, Louis’ (Armstong and Prima), Albert King, Stevie Ray and MANY more. Fresh daily and commercial free 24×7.

If you even have a passing interest in Blues or Swing, or are just bored with the pablum that CheapChannel force feeds the general populace I ask you the favor of giving it a listen. (just mash the big yellow PLAY button)

Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…