I am what I am and that’s all that I am…

Ok, so it’s been awhile since I posted — my bad.  I’ve been a bit tied up with my new full time gig and a few ‘garage projects’; all of which have seriously cut into my blogging time.  Gee, it’s amazing how much blogging one can do when one is unemployed. 😉

I read Mark Cuban’s blog on a regular basis.  I certainly don’t read it for that sports team he seems to own, but for his insights into digital media, HD and digital theatres specifically.  Ocassionaly he’ll post something of a general nature that catches my attention.  His recent post “Don’t Lie to Yourself” struck pretty close to home for me.  While I’m certainly not the salesman he is, I am certainly his equal in procastination.

I’m not in any position to get myself a personal assistant to manage the details of my life.  However, I am in a position to gather people around me who compliment my abilities. (read: cancel out my bad habits)  It may seem obvious when reading it in the context of others, but brutually difficult to do within one’s own life.  The fundamental part is recognizing those things at which you suck.  A daunting task for most mortals to be sure.

Success & Motivation – Dont Lie to Yourself – Blog Maverick – www.blogmaverick.com _

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