This site is… well… Damn Interesting

Ok, so I’ve been a bit radio silent of late.

You may have heard that we had a bit of rain here in New England.  And by ‘bit of rain’ I mean about 12 inches in 4 days.  That’s more than enough to fill a gallon jug.  I learned a few things during the deluge:

  • My house looks funny with a moat
  • I can say with 100% certainty that my basement does NOT leak
  • A Toyota 4Runner can ford a stream… err.. road with 14 inches of water on it.
  • Subway tunnels smell VERY bad when they have standing water in them.

I’m pretty sure I don’t have to worry about my well going dry until about 2018.  So I got that going for me…

I stumbled across this site the other day and found it… well… Damn Interesting.  I’m hoping that at least 1 of the 4 people that read this blog will also find it so.

Damn Interesting

The Perfect popcorn topping

We eat a lot of popcorn. And when I say ‘a lot’ I mean we consume our body weight twice a month. But we don’t go for that fancy schmancy Orville Newman double movie-time butter with extra sea salt, I mean the $0.99 for 2lbs store brand genetically mutated ‘corn based food’.

We, my partner and I, have very different methods for popping the ‘corn based food’.

The air popper that we have been using since… well… there was a ‘we’, has a measuring scoop built into the top. I carefully pour into the scoop the prescribed amount of kernels and then dump the contents of the scoop into the popper. This results in a full-but-not-too-full bowl of white fluffy magic. A very left brain method. Continue reading The Perfect popcorn topping