Yankee on Delay

I work with someone who can only be described as a ‘colorful character’. She swears like a drunken sailor and speaks her mind without being hindered by social filters. If you really want to know how your hair looks, just ask her. 😉 She is a pure spirit, I wish more folks were as refreshingly open and honest as she.

She has a long history of working at radio stations, including a large group of stations based in Boston, that required her to travel to the other stations. She is a Boston girl, through and through, with an accent and manner to match. When she visited a station ‘down south’ they were so enamoured with her Yankee persona they just had to get her on tape. She offered to record a joke for them to play on the station. Unknown to her, they had a record delay in the headphone line so that what she heard was several seconds behind what she was saying.

That threw her off a bit. 😉 Continue reading Yankee on Delay