2017 photo100 – #14
I recently bid adieu to my 1997 Toyota 4Runner. I bought it new and in the interceding years drove the equivalent of 7.5 times around the Earth. In spite of that the chassis and mechanical systems are in good shape, however, the frame… not so much. Large sections of the frame have succumb to rust.
I have passed it along to a friend who is need of transportation and is able to repair the damage.
We’ve been through a lot together in these past 20 years; letting go of it has been a somewhat emotional experience. I bid you farewell and Godspeed my old friend.
You can see all the 2017 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2017photo100

photo100 – #71
You can see all the 2015 Photo100 shots on my Flickr page here: http://bit.ly/2015photo100

photo365 – Day 287
I spent the day on a boat today; we were fishing for cars. Since 2005 the non-profit Clean River Project (http://www.cleanriverproject.org/) has been removing trash and debris from the Merrimack River. Today they removed 7 cars bringing their total to 55.
I tagged along with my buddy Chris on one of the boats to grab a few snaps. The entire set of photos is viewable here: http://bit.ly/carrecovery
You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://bit.ly/2014photo365
Digital Media and whatever else flows through my head…