Tag Archives: wedding album

Mary & John’s 60th

photo365 – Day 309
60 years ago today my parents were married. It is truely an amazing testiment to their love, commitment and stubbornness. It is an acomplishment of sublime beauty that I am unlikey to duplicate in my lifetime.

Thanks for everything Mom & Dad – I love you.

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://bit.ly/2014photo365

Caught the Bouquet

photo365 – Day 303

With only 1 week until my parent’s 60th anniversary I’ve got to slip in a few more shots.

This one includes my chesire grin wearing maternal grandmother on the far right, with her two sisters in the foreground. Apparently, one of them managed to catch the bouquet. 😉

You can see every photo in the Photo365 project here: http://bit.ly/2014photo365